So one of the Greatest things about my job (besides dealing with wackos) is that I get paid time to read the New York Times Book Review every week. I absolutely love it. Their year end list of the 100 most Notable Novels of the year is out now - so go have a look! And take advantage of the First Chapters section where you can read the first Chapters of some amazing books that they are currently, or have recently reviewed. I have found so many outstanding books this way and I often recommend it when people are looking for new authors to read.
There was a great article in the last edition (November 13th) about Garrison Keillor's book "Good Poems" and it's sequel, pathetically entitled; "Good Poems for Hard Times". I love the way it brought out the death-wrath-venon-hate in the reviewer August Kleinzahler from Poetry magazine. The reviewer here, David Orr, says that the obvious problem is that the title
"proposes that "the meaning of poetry is to give courage." That is not the meaning of poetry; that is the meaning of Scotch. The meaning of poetry is poetry."
I could read debates about the meaning of poetry all day! Good stuff guys!
Thanks to all them over there at NYTBR all for making my day so much better so many times.
I love Orr's quote! And it's tiny enough for a entire post~