I mean it's a library
and we have a christmas tree so shouldn't it be a decorated with tiny
books? So I made tonnes of little books to hang on it.
It looks really
pretty. (Photos will be shown eventually).
Anyway, this project sent me
scouring the internet for book covers. I went through hundreds and
printed out some bad, and some good, to go on the decorations. I got
really into the bad covers though. Man! there are so many websites with
bad book covers and, rightfully so, because some of them are downright
hilarious. So here are some examples to hopefully make you laugh.
A baby for Grace? God no. Please no.
Xavier Hollander moved on from the "Happy Hooker" with this intriguing
book "Yours Fatally". No the sax is not supposed to be phallic. She's just having a
great ol' time.
Sartre's "Intimacy" cover (below) isn't that funny but i do love the old 70's
covers cause they remind me a of being a little kid and illicitily sneaking my
mother's books from her den and then reading them under the covers. I do
wonder though, looking at this cover, if she isn't just getting a bit too
intimate with her hands?
Devil rock book is amazing... and apparently the devil and one's love
of rock ARE connected.
I must say, as work projects go, this one was damn fun. Next year I am
going to advance the craft to be more professional looking and 1. get
them printed out in colour, 2. put them on real little books not my hand
made version, and 3. put them inside clear glass balls so they look more
delicate and protected and pristine. The Osbourne Collection (TPL)had this marvelous
travelling collection of miniature books which was beautiful. I would be
very happy to have some of those little guys. Not for decorations. For
pure enjoyment. Because tiny things are nice.
It's great to see how much people appreciate a well put
together tree. I have gotten a few comments about being a great
designer... and people said they liked that the covers aren't all serious
books. Hey, some of those old pulp covers are amazing. In fact, when one
of the librarians wanted some Margaret Atwood covers, I cringed (and
nearly cried... hello? it's my design scheme and Atwood makes me want to
wretch). But apparently, I have to accept suggestions from staff, as it is
supposed to be representative of what all of us are reading. Okay
done. Begrudgingly, but done. (Nabokov said the best literature is always
and only poetic and Not political... can someone tell margie that? Nabokov:
"style and structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are

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