I am reading a great book about cheese right now. The need for it came from my visits to the "Cheese Vault" at The Cheese Boutique. A vault that is seled like a bank vault, filled with the rarest and most expensive cheeses of the world. The smell inside that sealed chamber of heaven is like no other one in Toronto. Sensory bliss. I have only smelled such divine goodness once, at a Comte cheese farm in the Swiss alps. What heaven! There is a need for more now. Tash - you know the pleasures of the cheese vault. you understand. olfactory sanctionary... my nose loves you.That crazy squirrel is going to take a picture. Look out! He is unrelated to this post except that he's cheesy.
This is from harpers, it's about cheese.
Quel Fromage!
Posted on Monday, January 16, 2006. From “Adapting a Lexicon for the Flavor Description of French Cheeses,” by Annlyse Rétiveau, Delores H. Chambers, and Emilien Esteve, in Food Quality and Preference. Originally from Harper's Magazine, July 2005.
Sweaty: sour, stale, somewhat cheesy aromatics reminiscent of perspiration-generated foot odor, found in unwashed gym socks and shoes
Goaty: pungent, musty, and somewhat sour, reminiscent of wet animal hair (fur)
Animalic: a combination of aromatics associated with farm animals and the inside of a barn
Musty/earthy: a slight musty aromatic associated with raw potatoes and damp humus
Musty/dry: aromatics associated with closed air spaces, such as attics and closets
Ashy/sooty: bark-like lingering aromatics associated with a cold campfire
Fermented: combination of sour aromatics associated with green vegetation, sauerkraut, soured hay, or composted grass
Green/herbaceous: fresh, green, slightly sour aromatics associated with green vegetables, newly cut vines, snap peas
Chemical: an aromatic associated with a broad range of compounds, which may or may not include chlorine, ammonia, aldehydes, etc.
Biting: a slight burning, prickling, and/or numbness of the tongue and/or mouth surface
Butyric: an aromatic that is sour and cheesy, reminiscent of baby vomit
This is Quel Fromage!,
a reading, originally from July 2005, published Monday, January 16, 2006. It is part of
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