cheeky lovers her j.d.
"He hesitated for a moment at the edge of the stage. He wished he were back in Nebraska with his students, to warn them: it is too dangerous for everyone to have the same story. The same things do not happen to everyone.
..."Everthing is held together with stories" he thought."That is all that is holding us together, stories and compassion".
From Winter Count. By Barry Lopez.
this is beci orpin - she designs the most lovely things - jewellry and clothes and bags. i bought some silver sad teeth earrings by her. they look like the teeth on this tote bag.
her website is here.
..so with more research I have found that junkyard taxidermy is alive and well.
go to Custom Creature Taxidermy to see it all.
Kay Ryan. Poet.
The Whitney is having a 75 year retrospective. Go see this excellent slide show and read the article too.